/I had this idea in a dream: an essay anthology that comes out every five years, including curated essays of various lengths alongside essays of various lengths from the curator, all on a particular topic. Also there is a large-scale multi-genre performance that brings to the stage each essay. Importantly, the curator oversees but does not do the labor of identifying the performers or directing the show or raising the money. In the dream, I was holding the book to my chest in a massive rehearsal room as performers rivered in… dancers and actors and members of a brass band, in groups and solo, some looking around the room like they were surfacing on a new planet and some hustling to a seat or corner like it was their childhood library and I was on a chair with my feet tucked up under me and I thought, what am I supposed to be doing here, should I be telling them what to do and then Jess McLeod the director turned to me from the chair to my right and said, We’re almost ready to go, and then to the group and said People people people people settle in. And gave a small speech during which she gestured to me and referred to me as their “employer” in a generous and gentle way that somehow softened my worry and let me know these people were paid and that I was only in charge of everything in a vision-level way, as the curator of this invention. Later Jess sat next to me again and I said But this must cost a million dollars and her face split into a smile as she said More, Marty. More.