Dispatch from the Wild Interior: November 11, 2020
/Justice: At the center of your body is a river bedded with stones, magic in that it runs two directions. When you’re quiet, you can feel it and remember that balance is not the same as stasis, that the scales are always in subtle or overt motion as weight is added or removed. Yours is not to hand down punishment to or sentence anyone, least of all yourself, but to observe with loving detachment all that transpires and makes space for the truth. To watch with your river and let the upcurrent carry to your hands and your brain and your mouth what is accurate and real and fair and true, let the downcurrent wash back into the earth and its firy core all deception, misdirection, corruption to be made pure again. And repeat, because time is long and looping and no time is without its lies or its magnificent though occluded truths.