dispatches from the wild interior: September 25, 2020

Ace of Rods: Harvesting is not just about what is reaped; it’s also about clearing the way for what’s next, to make the space for that to grow, to blossom, to put out unexpected branches and shoots. You don’t have to know exactly what’s next to make room for it, but it would serve you to spend some time reveling in imaginative possibility. Dreaming a new and improved world or corner of it. There are those who would have us live in constriction, in constant worry and fear and lack. The better world that is possible, that is getting ready to flower, needs us to step out of that. To feel our breath and our interior self expand, put down just for now the shields and weapons that keep us a kind of safe. What tiny thing can you imagine changing? Can you picture it? And what that is slightly larger? Can you see that? And casting your gaze out toward the horizon, what catches your eye, invites you to zoom in, witness its blooming? Give it all your love, just for a minute. What happens next? 
